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Skills are special abilities that units have at their disposal. They are split into two categories: normal skills and support skills.

Skill breakdown


  1. Skill Name
  2. Skill Types
  3. Restriction
  4. Requirements
  5. Skill Effect
  6. Support Types

Skill Name

Can be prefixed with a Keyword, the skill name is purely decorative and can refer to a Fire Emblem weapon/item, a quote from the character, etc.

Skill Types

Seven types of skills exist, each with its own restrictions and activation conditions.

  • / ACT : Activate
    Skill to be activated during your Action Phase. You can activate this type of skill at any point, except when a unit is attacking.
  • / AUTO : Trigger
    Skill triggered automatically when the condition is fulfilled (response to an action, a specific condition, etc.). Can be activated as many times as the condition is fulfilled.
  • / CONT : Continuous
    Skill always active as long as the unit is on the Battlefield (unless otherwise specified) and as long as the condition is fulfilled.
  • / BOND : Bond
    Skill can only be activated when the card is in the Bond Area and face-up.
  • / HAND : Hand
    Skill that can only be activated when the card is in your hand.
  • / SUPP : Support
    Support skill activated during a combat when the card is in the Support Area.
  • / SPEC : Special
    Skill that does not belong to any of the above-mentioned types.
When multiple skills are activated simultaneously
  • When multiple and skills are activated at the same time, you can activate them in any order you like.
  • If the attacking and defending unit's skills are triggered at the same time, activate them starting with the attacker's skill.


Limitation to skill activation.

  • 1ターンに1回 / ONCE PER TURN : This skill can only be activated once per turn.


Specified in brackets, represents the cost to activate the skill.

[ ] Tap

Pay the cost by turning the card 90 degrees clockwise. You cannot activate a skill that requires you to tap the card if the card is already tapped.


[ ] Flip

Pay the cost by flipping face-down a specified number of cards from the Bond Area. A face-down card cannot be flipped face-up (except in the case of certain skill effects).


Skill Effect

Description of skill effects. Follow steps 2 to 4 and apply them in the order in which they are listed. Conditions may be specified and must be met.

Support Types

Specifies when the support skill is activated: during an attack, a defense or both. The card must be in the Support Area for the skill to be activated.

  • : Attack
    Activates during your Action Phase as you initiate an attack.
  • : Defence
    Activates during your opponent's Action Phase, when you are defending.
  • : Attack / Defence
    Activated in both cases described above.

Keyword Skills

These skills require specific prerequisites to be activated. They can be distinguished by the block of color preceding the skill name.

Keyword Skill

  • FS
    : Formation Skill
    Active when specific allies are tapped.
  • CCS
    : Class Change Skill
    Active when the unit has class changed (by Class Change or Growth).
  • LvS
    : Level Up Skill
    Active when X cards are stacked on top of each other. X being the number of cards in the stack.
  • US
    : Union Skill
    Active when a specific symbol is visible in the Bond Area.
  • CF
    : Carnage Form
    Active when the Mirage is in the same area as its Mirage Master (Front Line Area or Back Line Area).
  • BS
    : Bond Skill
    Active when the unit is face-up in the Bond Area.
  • 竜脈
    : Dragon Vein
    Activated when a card from the Orb Area is flipped face-up.
  • HS
    : Hero Skill
    Skill that allows you to change your Main Character with another unit.
  • TS
    : Twin Skill
    Skill that allows specific units to remain on the Battlefield after being defeated instead of being sent to the Retreat Area in exchange of an orb.
  • IS
    : Increase Skill
    Skill that can be activated multiple times in a single combat, as long as you flip 1 Bond for each activation.
  • AS
    : Awakening Skill
    Active when the unit has class changed (by Class Change or Growth).
  • DB
    : Dragon Blood
    Skill that can be shared between all allies having a
  • LIS
    : Legendary Item Skill
    Active when certain skills have been activated multiple times in a single turn.
  • CP
    : Crest Power
    Active when this card is in your hand.
More about Level Up Skill

Skill active when the stacked cards reach the specified number.

  • For example: To activate the skill
    , a stack of 7 cards is needed, with the top card counting towards the total.


  • The unit can still activate LvS skills from previous levels. For example: If you have a stack of 5 cards, you can activate either